Tag Archives: Super Mario Bros.

Nintendo 3DS Ambassador: NES Games, Worth it?

Ambitious? Yes. Costly? Very...

The Nintendo 3DS  has gotten a lot of flack and praise this year. Nintendo’s newest and most ambitious handheld to date has been the butt of many a joke as well as the star of many a nerd’s wet dreams. There was plenty to talk about this year with the major complaint I heard about the device being the lack of worthwhile titles for its $250 price tag. The August price drop was little consolation for those who bought the system at the midnight release like I did, but I was able to calm myself when I found out I would be getting 20 free games and be titled a “3DS Ambassador”. Well isn’t that just crazy?

But did the Ambassador games live up to the hype? Were they worth the $40 that would have been deducted from the price of the device? The 10 games in question are: Super Mario Bros., Donkey Kong Jr., Balloon Fight, Ice Climber, The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Zelda II: The Adventure of Link, NES Open Tournament Golf, Yoshi, and Wrecking Crew.

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(Syndicated): Five Fine NES Game Controversies

Here at The Community, we’re all about promoting other gaming blogs and trying to get a wide range of views on a wide range of topics out to you, our audience.  As such, we’re bringing you in syndication articles from Eric “NintendoLegend” Bailey’s “Five Fine NES” series.  Eric’s a great writer with impeccable dedication, and we hope you’ll enjoy this article as much as we did.

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