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Hey fans of The Community! We’re back to business bringing you news, reviews and opinions on all things gaming. We moved to THIS site so come find us whenever you get a chance!

Scourge’s Champ review: Lulu! On second thought…

So, for those of you expecting a champ review on Lulu, I’m going to have to kill-errr, ‘disappoint’ you (your brain’s knack for living, that is).  I’m a bit angry at LoL for that champion, so you’ll have to wait another week for my nerves to calm before I review her (yes, I’ve played her.  No, I don’t like her…yet.  And yes, I hate squirrels.).  I was going to review her, buuut…

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Mass Effect 3 Review

The Final Countdown

Before you say anything. Yes. Yes it is. Mass Effect 3 is everything that you’ve ever asked for in a Mass Effect game and so much more. So many times in conversations with friends over the past year have I said that I am legitimately scared for Mass Effect 3. I was the guy who was shouting from the rooftops, “There is no way they can make a better game than Mass Effect 2!” But they did, and I am here humbled and astonished at what I have witnessed. The culmination of the most epic space drama I have ever been a part of.

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The DnD 3.5 Swashbuckler: I’m too pretty for armor

I’d noticed — as I’m sure all of you did, too — that I hadn’t written here for a while. I don’t play that many games that require a processor, other than League of Legends, so not many of my potential topics are particularly newsworthy. So I asked Incontrol what I could write about, and he suggested I do what I did with the bard: pick an underpowered Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 class and make it shine. While I take exception to the implication that the bard is underpowered, I took a look at a class tier list (eyes glazing over the bard’s ranking…) and picked some random schlub from the lower echelons.

Though I chose the swashbuckler (Complete Warrior) by chance, I do have some affection for the class. One of my favorite NPCs was a catfolk swashbuckler — who was quickly killed by Incontrol’s character. Consider this sweet, sweet revenge. Continue reading

Scourge’s Champion Review: Fiora, with Pretty Pictures!

And by pretty pictures, I mean that’s one of her jokes.  I would include a picture of her drawing Teemo in the air, but I can’t find a screenshot for it.  Sooo, you get to picture her drawing a picture of Teemo in the air in your head.  That, and I really can’t show her abilities with pictures, either.  Pretty pictures…of her in your head.  Awwww yeah.

Let’s BEGIN!


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Wakfu: How the French say MMO — Part I: Classes

Le MMO is also acceptable, for all those anal retentive linguists out there. At least Google translate tells me so, and who am I to argue with them? I don’t have a logo or anything to my name. Anyway, the topic of the day is the newly released MMO Wakfu. Figured I’d give my opinion on it so anyone interested can get an idea of what it’s all about. No half-assing this though. I feel I should give a nice thorough article at least once. Next time it’s back to superfluous crap and base humor, I promise. Continue reading

PTQ Barcelona Report: Part 2

So last week I introduced you guys to my variant of Caw-Blade (A concoction I dreamed up along with my colleagues Scourge and Jeff Weeks), which you can find HERE if you need a refresher. This week I’m going to talk in a little more detail about the actual matches I played.

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Scourge’s Champion Review: Nautilus, Titan of the Depths

Well, sorry this was a bit late, but I had to get used to this champ (and yes, have no fear, Fiora will be coming soon =P).  Since this somewhat tardy, I’ll just cut to the chase with this.  Cut and dry, simple stats and strategy.  I’m a bit tired at the moment, so if there is any wit, be sure to rag on me later as to how terrible it is.

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PTQ Barcelona Report, Part I

This past weekend was the Pro Tour Qualifier for Pro Tour Barcelona in Rochester, NY, the nearest one to my hometown. My best attempt at a Modern deck on my own personal resources was a janky U/G Turbofog creation that I would have been ashamed to even register at a PTQ, but when a buddy of mine dropped a U/W Standard Spirit Delver deck in my lap I decided to see what I could do about reformatting the deck and throwing down in the Modern format.


I’ll probably run this report in two pieces just to save your precious attention spans. This section will be all about the deck I chose to play and why I made the decisions I made, and the next section will be about what decks I faced and how well I did, what I would have done differently, etc.

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Gearbox Goes Green, Recycles Midgets (Borderlands 2)

Since this just got announced yesterday, I just HAD to put my two cents in about how I am going to joy puke my face off for Borderlands 2. Coming from someone who enjoyed giving Gearbox his $100 for Duke Nukem Forever (Balls of Steel Edition) it comes as no shock that I’m stoked for Borderlands 2. But before I get into why I’m excited about Borderlands 2, let me give a little detail on why I feel massively more interested from just seeing the new trailer.

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